Hello and Welcome to Pine Ridge Treasures Black and White Blog Hop and Challenge. This event was put on by Lisa Lodge of Pine Ridge Treasures. She is always coming up with awesome challenges for us to help stretch our brains.
I am late posting as we were on vacation and traveling back home. I had thought to post while traveling...but..that didn't happen. So without further ado....enjoy!
We started in Florida and drove to San Diego California to see our daughter and son in law, and to take my daughters cats to her. Plus I had never been that far west so we decided to drive it and enjoy the scenery.
This is what Lisa sent me:
I know it says black and white, but we each got a color to use also.
I used the blue, white, silver and black I received and accented it with red bead and black seed beads. When worn, the little seed bead dangles do hang down.
After crossing into Arizona, we stopped at a Yuma tourist stop to rest and look around. My bug eye earrings, as everyone calls them, made an appearance.
In the gift shop/museum I saw these art works and had to post, they are just awesome!
I posted who the artist was so you could see who made them. I just loved the spark plug sheep!
Tuesday night, we stopped in Deming, NM to spend the night and a little tourist/train museum was there. This gigantic "bead" was outside so I had my son take a picture of me trying to take it. Didn't work....
While traveling on Hwy 70 going to Oklahoma, we passed the White Sands Proving Ground in Alamogordo, NM. I had wanted to get some pictures with my jewelry but it was so hot and we weren't allowed to get on the sand. But it was white! Apparently about 7 to 10 K years ago, it was a lake, and when it dried, it left the white sand. Almost looks like a beach!
In heading to OK to see my husbands brother, we had to pass back over the top of Tx. So I took the following pictures. The left side is Texas, and the right side is New Mexico. So with one shot, my necklace and matching earrings are in two separate states.
Once we reached my brother in laws in Ravia, OK on Thursday the 23rd, I took pictures of all of my pieces on this most awesome tree in his back yard! I wish I could have dug it up and brought home!
Next is the black, white, silver and red necklace and it's earrings.
I also made an extra pair of earrings that would go with most of the necklaces, but my Aunt in Louisiana snagged them when we stopped there to visit on Sat.
And last, BUT not least, my bug eye earrings using the black pearl beads and the white disk beads I received.
Hopefully you have enjoyed my little trip and pictures of my jewelry. We started in Fl and drove to CA, then to OK, then back through LA, then to FL. 5400 miles and two weeks!